Rafail Aggelis

My name is Efthymios Rafail Aggelis, I am a coordinator at Young NatureFriends Greece.

For me being a Naturefriend is something that changes your way of thinking, your everyday life. Considering that the environmental awareness in Greece is deficient, educating people and raising awareness is a primary goal of the environmental movement here. In order to give the opportunity to everyone interested to learn about environmental issues, we have created a website with educative material. Especially, you can find presentations, blog posts and some puzzles (like crosswords, multiple-choice questions etc.) to test your knowledge. Also, we are currently establishing our chapter and under the adult, organisation coordination starting new activities.

Recently, I have taken part in the Youth Leader Qualification Course which was an interesting experience. Our Earth is our Future. Being a Naturefriend gives me the opportunity to protect the planet. It is time for all of us to consider becoming Friends of Nature. Everyone makes mistakes but repeating them is something avoidable.