Philipp Schäfer

I was born in January 1992 and grew up in a village near Karlsruhe, which is a town in the south-west of Germany near the border to France. Now I live on the outskirts of Karlsruhe.

After secondary school I did a vocational training as electronics technician for automation technology. Afterwards I was taken over by the company. It is now nearly two years since then.

And now something more personal about me:

I always enjoyed playing outdoors with the other kids from my neighbourhood and went hiking with my family. But that’s not how I got in touch with the Naturefriends. My parents thought it would not be good when I stay the whole summer holidays at home just hanging out with my friends when I was a teenager. They offered me multiple options to go to a youth travel. I have chosen the trip to Croatia by the Young Naturefriends of Baden, which is the regional Naturefriends organisation here.

I liked the trip, the atmosphere, the option to actively participate, the other teenagers, youth group leaders, etc. so much, that I repeated going on holidays with the Naturefriends in the summer holidays. About two years later I started my training as a youth leader. I am now working as a youth leader for about 4 years.

I am curious about how my e-volunteering will be and how compatible with my work life it will be.