Sabrina Grape

Born in 1993 in Northern Germany, freshly graduated in International Leisure Science, from early childhood grew up in close contact with nature.

Starting as an EVS in the Italian mountains, I discovered my passion for international youth work and volunteering, leading me to get committed in further international projects, both as a participant and as an organiser. During my studies, I mainly focussed on the sustainable development of travelling and leisure activities, as well as educational elements. After a semester at an Italian university, I finally found my way to Naturefriends, doing a 5-months-internship at the IYNF office. Staying in close contact as an e-volunteer during my last months at university, I am now happy to be part of the IYNF team again as a Project Coordinator. 

My motto is: Don’t let this world change your smile – Use your smile to change the world!