Since the earliest days, mankind felt the need to represent the surrounding world and nature was the prime source of inspiration. Following the development of societies, different religious awareness, political issues, steadily the creative genius of the artists was inspired by the nature.

“When the Nature becomes Muse” is the new IYNF’s column dedicated to retrace the history of men, behind the artists, who consecrated their creative talents to the dialogue with environment.

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Starting from the Classical art to the Contemporary one several were the reasons that led many artists to seek the confrontation with “Mother Nature”. From mere figurative scenery representation in paintings, vases, sculptures to subject of investigation for environmental struggles, the nature, like a Muse, has never stopped to exercise its atemporal charm.

Following a synchronistic path, starting from the Italian contemporary artist Giuseppe Penone, we will try to shed light about the indissolubility between art and nature.