Below is the text of the Resolution n. 1 approved by the IYNF’s Council on December 15th on our position in regard to anti-democratic forces.
Against any cooperation with anti-democrats – For diversity, tolerance and the
good life for all
The International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) strongly oppose any cooperation with anti-
This means that the International Young Naturefriends and their member organisations
never and in no way cooperate with anti-democratic, right-wing extremist and fascist
parties or organisations. Representatives of these anti-democratic parties and
organizations will not be invited to events organised by International Young Naturefriends
and their member organisations. Representatives of International Young Naturefriends
and their member organisation never meet with representatives of anti-democratic
parties and organisations and never attend their events.
The International Young Naturefriends demand that Naturefriends International (NFI) and
befriended organisations take the same steps and take the same decisive stand against
anti-democratic cooperations.