Be it tea, beer, lemonade or schnapps – the main thing is that you come and drink a lot! Together we are going to celebrate the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism.
A Maze in Tschaiovna collects donations from your drinks for the association United Against Racism. Drink to support their campaign work against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. Together we promote democracy and peace work in Europe!
(A Maze Tschaiovna donates 10% of sales for drinks on this day of action).
Background of the campaign http://dayagainstfascism.eu/
“The 9th November marks the 80th anniversary of the ‘Kristallnacht’ pogrom in 1938 in Germany and Austria, turning the discrimination against Jews that started in 1933 to a systematic persecution, which culminated in the Holocaust three years later after 8th May 1945. Today, racist, fascist and neo-Nazi movements are on the rise of Europe, Neo-Nazis hunt and assault migrants, Muslims, Jews, Roma, LGBTQ activists, people living with disabilities and other minorities, using rallies as a cover-up for their hate crimes. ”
#SpeakupNow #FightFascism #9November #DayAgainstFascism #DayAgainstAntisemitism