05 July, 2018
1:00 pm
Bergheider See, 03238 Lichterfeld-Schacksdorf, Deutschland

Browse map

Something went wrong when getting the coordinates for "https://goo.gl/maps/Cst5w1KYGRC2" from the Google Maps Geocaching API. Error message from the API: "You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, please refer to http://g.co/dev/maps-no-account" Please try again.

IYNF at the Feel Festival 2018

Our volunteers Miriam and Lisa will represent IYNF together with the Young Naturefriends of Germany (NFJD) on the Feel Festival close to Berlin, Germany.

From Friday until Sunday our information stand will be open from 10am until 8pm. Festival visitors can join our different activities and win prices within our ecofriendly competitions.

1. Workshop: “All about sustainable festivals”

2. Eco-Geocaching Tour

3. Trash Hero: Collecting litter tour

4. Naturefriends information stand: Flyer, sticker, merch…

5. Workshop: “How to make seed bombs”