01 May, 2024
4:35 pm

This year the International Young Naturefriends are celebrating 40 years of existence,  and we want you to be part of this historical moment! From 2 – 6 September we will gather in the Czech Republic to actively work and co-create the future plans of our organization.The program will focus on innovative & supportive methodologies to learn the basics of project planning & creating,  to share experiences, to ‘give & get’ and to create your project within our IYNF network that will have a positive impact on the Naturefriends movement as well as on the world.IMG_7980

IYNF is connecting & inspiring young people from all over Europe – and sometimes beyond – for the last 40 years. We want to commemorate all the different activities that IYNF has had during these 40 years, but most of all we want to thank all the people that have been a part of our movement in any way.

We’re actively organizing international projects since the ‘70s and we’re proud of it! The last 40 years have been a long journey for our organization and many adventures, personal stories, ‘inside jokes’, learning opportunities, passionate motivations, inspiring moments & dreams that were the backbone of our existence were realized, thanks to the inexhaustible source of motivation of young individual people.

This Planning Weekend will highlight long forgotten stories from the past and create space to build your (first) steps towards memorable future stories and activities.  We meet in Junuv Statek, close to Prague, to exchange ideas and dreams and to network and brainstorm on possible upcoming projects and future developments of the Young Naturefriends Network. (If this is not your first IYNF-activity,) we encourage you to come prepared to the Planning Weekend to start up or finalize your ideas, find suitable partners, review worst and best practices & learn from other’s experience.


Delegates of IYNF member and partner organizations, volunteers and representatives of various youth organizations that share the values of IYNF and are willing to join the network are welcome to apply. We would also like to highlight the importance of next year, where new strategic priorities will be developed, a new Presidium will be elected and the General Assembly will decide the future direction of IYNF.

If you’re searching for an inspiring project, flavoured with our typical Nature-friendly atmosphere, colored with a diverse range of enthusiastic and passionate people, and you share our values of respect, equality, solidarity, sustainability and love and care for nature. Then you’re the person we are looking for! Come and join us, we’re looking forward to receive your application!

Date and Place: 2-6 September 2015, Junuv Statek, Czech Republic.DSC_1900

Costs: No participation fee, 50% of travel costs. (IYNF expects you to choose the most sustainable way of transportation, only 2nd class/economy class tickets can be reimbursed. For flights and travelling by car prior approval of the Secretariat will be needed)

Participation Rules: Participants are expected to be present at least 80% of the working time. If you are not able to fulfil this condition, please discuss with the Secretariat prior to your application. Violation of this rule might result in IYNF not being able to reimburse your travel costs. Please also note that if you wish to receive reimbursment for your travel costs, you must travel in the given days or follow the limit of maximal 2 days extention of your stay .

Apply:  Please fill in this application form.

Deadline: 20 July 2015

Eligible Countries: Programme countries of the Erasmus+/Youth in Action programme – http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-eligible-countries_en.pdf

If you aren’t resident in any of the Programme countries, but you have a great motivation to participate and you would be willing to co-finance your participation, please let us know!

If you have any questions, please write to henrique@iynf.org